SEMA Membership- SEMA stands for Specialty Equipment Marketing Association. SEMA is an industry organization with membership spanning the automotive aftermarket. SEMA uses it's resources to police the industry and insure quality for the consumer. The organization also watches out for consumer rights and retailer rights when local, state, and federal government legislative bodies attempt to pass laws which would encroach on your rights. Those who are interested in keeping their rights protected should support retailers who are members of SEMA. Street Sports is a member of SEMA and has been for a number of years.
MERA Membership- MERA stands for Mobile Electronics Retailers Association. MERA is an industry organization with membership spanning the automotive aftermarket. MERA uses it's resources to police the industry and insure quality for the consumer. The organization also watches out for consumer rights and retailer rights when local, state, and federal government legislative bodies attempt to pass laws which would encroach on your rights. Those who are interested in keeping their rights protected should support retailers who are members of MERA. Street Sports is a member of MERA.
MECP Certifications- MECP stands for Mobile Electronics Certified Professionals. Consumers for years have recognized the quality obtained by looking for an ASE certified technician to both diagnose and repair their automobile. MECP was started in an effort to improve the electronics industry in the same fashion as ASE did for auto mechanics. By choosing an MECP certified technician to install aftermarket electronics into your automobile, you have already gone a long way towards insuring the successful integration of such electronic devices into the delicate electronic systems in today's automobiles. Always look for the highest level of MECP certification possible, as this will usually always coincide directly with the level of pride and professionalism you can expect from the technician. Lack of certification generally denotes lack of skill (or fear of not having enough skill to pass the certification process), lack of pride in one's work, or disinterest in remaining in this field of work (if someone is not intending to stay in this field as a career, they may not care as much about your installation because they don't plan to be around long enough to fix it if it breaks). In any case, this is probably not the individual you care to have work on your automobile.
Other Certifications & Ongoing Education - The following certifications are grouped together because they are not associated with any one particular organization, but various ones. Any certifications achieved are helpful in determining the level of professionalism and commitment to quality that a shop or technician has.
Ongoing Education- The following examples are grouped together because they are not associated with any one particular organization, but various ones. Any schools/seminars attended are also helpful in determining the level of professionalism and a continuing commitment to excellence that a shop or technician has.
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management school photos
Awards- Any awards presented to a shop or installer are also an excellent gauge of the level of competence and commitment that exists.
Trophies- Competition is one of the final ways to gauge the success and professionalism of a shop. Winning trophies is proof, as determined by independent judging authorities, that the quality of work completed by our shop is top of the line. Although project cars are sometimes constrained by budgets and therefore may not be loaded with a great number of parts, every part that is installed should be executed to the highest level of quality. Such high levels of skill and competence associated with our installations can take the lackluster performance of a mediocre part and turn it into an exceptional end result. We present some of our trophies here to use as a gauge of our skill and competence.