Street Sports does another commercial for Nationals

Street Sports provides a vehicle to do burnouts for Midwest Nationals

June 2001-- Here are some of the pictures we took while we were making the television commercial for the 2001 Midwest Nationals. We were asked by the people at Special Events if we could provide a vehicle to do burnouts for a commercial like we did for the previous year. We gladly helped by providing Greg Rexroat's 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse GST for the shoot. Shawn (the owner of Street Sports) and Greg showed up to the FOX television station's parking lot with Greg's car. After all was set up, Jay, the DJ from 107.9FM, did the voiceovers for the commercial. Then he turned the wheel over to Greg who drove the car for the burnouts and got them on film.

Click on any photo for a larger view
Getting ready for the DJ to do the spotFirst version of the DJSecond version of the DJ's spotGetting ready for the burnouts
Preparing for burnout number 1
Ready for second burnoutFinal burnoutCommercial footage complete

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